PHPfileNavigator Logo


Welcome to the PHPfileNavigator.

This installer will guide you through the steps necessary to carry out an installation of the application.

As you well know, this is a powerful, functional and secure file administrator. It provides a wide range of additional features which you can find described further at the official PFN website

First of all, you need to select the language you would like to use for the installation. If the required language is not listed, you can visit the official website to see if there is a translation available. The selected translation can be installed at any time and need not necessarily be picked at this time.

Now select the type of installation that you wish to make. If the PHPfileNavigator has not been installed previously select install, otherwise select upgrade.

Remember that if you select to a fresh install and previous installation exists, all the content of the MySQL tables of the previous installation will be erased.

Type of installation:

This application is in continuous development. If you check the box Installation notify it will send a notification email of new installation or update which will include the email address of the administrator and the hostname in which it was installed.

Any additional information like routes, data of user, passwords, etc will not be sent. Providing this (optional) information, you will be kept informed about new versions and security warnings. It will not be sent in any case mail nonwished nor information that is not important.

You can review the source code of the email notification in the file instalar/include/ between lines 45 and 63.

WARNING: In the folder data/conf/ there are a file named "" that should be renamed to before to continue with the installation.

If you are updating a previous installation, check the differences bettwen the files and add the lines from the new config file that not exists in the older config file. - Execution time: 0,0345 seconds